I love Craigslist! There are some really great deals on there! I found a stroller that goes with Ty's carseat, a papasan infant seat and a papasan swing to match!
wan kuzain wan kamal
2 years ago
I love Craigslist! There are some really great deals on there! I found a stroller that goes with Ty's carseat, a papasan infant seat and a papasan swing to match!
I thought it would be fun for Adalyn and her friends to have a Valentine's Party. And I thought it would be fun to have brunch with the moms of her friends at the same time. So we did! And it was fun!!!
While the waffles were being made, the kids (with help from the moms) decorated their bags for their Valentines.
For brunch, we had waffles, sausage, bacon, hashbrowns, fruit and waffles. YUM!...oh yeah...don't want to forget the CHOCOLATE!!!!
After brunch we frosted and decorated sugar cookies, the ate the extra frosting
Watch this!....get a tissue first though!!