Friday, December 19, 2008

Do you like Santa?

From far away,
Adalyn was happy to see Santa
at our ward party.
Ansley was pretty excited herself!
We got in line to see Santa
and I started talking to Adalyn about it.
It went something like this:
me: Adalyn want to see Santa?!!!
her: Yeah!
me: Want to sit on his lap and get
a picture?!!
her: NO! (hugging my neck a little)
me: want to sit with Ansley?
her: NO!! (hugging my neck tighter
me: want to give him a hug?
her: NO!!! (hugging me very tight)

And this is as close as she got!

Much happier to have some candy from him
Goofy girls eating their candy from Santa

Ansley and Reeslyn thought
it was pretty cool to sit in
Santa's chair after he left.


Anonymous said...

Love the goofy girls eating candy. I agree with Adalyn, I wouldn't want to sit on the big guy's lap either. I prefer my men clean shaven:)

russandkatie said...

that is such a cute picture of the girls in Santa's chair!

Jewel said...

So funny how excited they are from far away, but when the time actually comes, it's no go--hilarious. :)