My sister, Dawney emailed me the other day and said that her daughter, Wendy saw a video on youtube where a kid could not say, "gift certificate". They asked her 5 year old, Kacie to say it and said it was comical. So I emailed her back and said that I would take a video when I asked Ansley to say it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
More Swim Lessons

Sunday, July 27, 2008
More Fun Hair!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Gotta love info-mercials!
Saturday, after getting home from Taetum's party, Ansley fell asleep on the couch. This was around 6:30 pm. I thought maybe she would sleep an hour or so and wake up for dinner then go to bed when we were ready to. Which is usually late! She did wake up about 7:30 pm, ate a little and went back to the couch. It was so quick I thought there was no way she was asleep. When I called to her I realized she was OUT!!! I left her there for a while and then put her to bed when we went. Sunday morning I woke up pretty early and realized she wasn't in the bed, so I went to check on where she was. I had no idea how long she had been awake. I am guessing she got enough sleep after 11 or 12 hours. We just about ran into each other coming around corners at the same time. She was coming to tell me about a commercial she was watching. I wasn't totally awake but thought it was funny for her to be able to tell me all about the steamer. She was so into it, even when telling me the second time for me to record it.
Happy 4th Birthday Taetum!

Photo Shoot with Kayl

Sunday, July 20, 2008
4th of July
I know...a bit late...but we had a great Independence Day! It started out with me waking up before everyone else and making biscuits from scratch for our wards breakfast. The breakfast was great with a Patriotic program and parade! This was taken when we got home from breakfast. I made potato salad and we went to Scott and Claire's for a delicious BBQ and a little swimming in the late afternoon. I forgot the camera, but Claire took some cute pictures. (click on her names to check out the pictures ...[I am sure most people know that already, but some may not]) Anyway, later in the evening we walked over to GCC and watched the fireworks. After the show was over, Ansley asked if we were going to another show. We had to laugh, because last year we went to 5 different nights of fireworks. My niece's boyfriend, Sam worked for a company that set the fireworks off. We were his groupies last year. It was soo much fun!!! We miss you Samber!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fun Hair!
I came across a hair blog while surfing a few weeks ago. I love it! She gives instructions and photos on different ways to do little girls hair. I have tried a couple of them on Ansley and Adalyn.
I think this one turned out cute! It would look a little bit better if Ansley's hair was longer, so it would have a bigger poof after the braids and bows.

I can't believe I actually got Adalyn to sit still for this twice! The first time was on a Sat. and we didn't go anywhere that evening after I was done playing. So I had to do it again on Sunday and change the colors. The picture is a little bright, but I think you can still see how stinkin' cute she is!
More gymnastics
Ansley, of coarse, had a great time at Gymnastics with Katie. The summer session was just once a week for 4 weeks in June. We decided to let Adalyn try too! I was worried that she was too young, but Katie assured me that she was perfect for the Toddler class. I was still a little iffy after the first class, but she was doing pretty good by the last class. It is so much fun to watch little ones catch on and learn new things!
Swim Lessons
Ansley took lessons from Azure for 2 weeks in June. Azure is such a great teacher!!! Ansley has so much more confidence now!
We decided to continue with some lessons at GCC so that Adalyn could swim with her BFF, Cecelia. Ansley is in a Level 2 class at the same time as Adalyn. I haven't taken the camera yet. We will have to take it next week and see if Claire will take some pictures for us. We've gotta show off Adalyn's mad swim skills too! ;-)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Some day...I'll catch up!

After all the fun games there was a lunch provided for a picnic. Everyone was a winner! They all got the GOLD! Thanks for being such a great Dad! I know Ansley and Adalyn love spending time with you!!!